September 13, 2011

Lauren Broyles Receives 2011 International Nurses Society on Addictions Research Award

Lauren Broyles, Ph.D., R.N, Research Health Scientist with the VA Health Services Research & Development (VA HSR&D) Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP) received the 2011 Research Award from the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) for her outstanding contributions to research on addictions nursing.

Dr. Broyles is the recipient of a VA HSR&D Career Development Award, which is focuses on improving the detection and management of alcohol misuse among hospitalized patients. She was the 2009 Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science/American Nurses Foundation Scholar and has been recognized for her research by the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse. Beginning in March 2012, she will begin a study that will examine the effectiveness of a brief intervention for patients at risk for alcohol use disorders.