March 28, 2011

VA HSR&D Investigator Albert Siu Appointed To Lead U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Albert L. Siu, MD, MSPH, Core Investigator with the VA HSR&D Research Enhancement Award Program's Center for Research on Health Care Across Systems and Sites of Care has been appointed as co-vice chair of the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).

In addition to his work as a VA HSR&D core investigator, Dr. Siu's professional career has included roles in academia, policy research, and state government. He is currently the Director of the Geriatrics, Research, Education, and Clinical Center at the Bronx VA Medical Center, and is the Ellen and Howard Katz Professor and Chairman of the Brookdale Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

Dr. Siu also serves as Senior Associate Editor of Health Services Research, and is a former member of both the Council on Aging at the National Institute on Aging and the USPSTF's general panel. Dr. Siu's research is geared toward improving quality and delivery of care, particularly to geriatric populations. His studies have focused on the measurement and improvement of functional outcomes in the elderly. Other current projects include efforts to study and disseminate system interventions to improve care for those with chronic illnesses.

The USPSTF is an independent, volunteer panel of 16 private-sector experts with experience in prevention and primary care. The panel makes recommendations to primary care clinicians about preventive services (screenings, counseling, preventive medication) that may benefit patients before they experience signs or symptoms of a condition.

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