Jessica Berumen, DrPH, CPH
Jolie Haun, PhD EdS LMT
Elsa Sites, MPH
Rebecca Thorsness, PhD
Seminar date: 7/16/2024
Description: This seminar will present multi-faceted approaches from the field on experiences working within operational and clinical partnerships to conduct rigorous policy evaluations on a rapid timeline. The presentation will include perspectives from researchers and operational partners to contextualize one approach to collaborating and leveraging a sustained efficiency model to conduct a rigorous, yet rapid Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) Evidence Act project. Presenters will contextualize their roles and processes within the context of a StrAtegic PoLicy EvIdence-Based Evaluation CeNTer (SALIENT) policy evaluation project aimed to develop evidence-based Specialty Care workforce guidelines. Discussion will include an overview of: (1) a multi-year, workforce guideline project, and accomplishments to date; (2) the sustained efficiency model used for rapid progress and practical reporting and feedback processes with partners; and (3) strategies and lessons learned for successful collaboration from evaluation team and operational perspectives.
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