Lead/Presenter: George Sayre, COIN - Seattle/Denver
All Authors: Sayre GG (VA HSR&D COIN - Seattle)
Young JP (VA HSR&D COIN - Seattle)
Workshop Objectives:
Qualitative methods play a significant role in HSR&D research and interviews are the most common form of qualitative data collection. However, the literature provides little guidance for developing interview guides to ensure the collection of rich, trustworthy data. This workshop will provide clear protocols for interview guide development and iterative refinement in order to address current gaps in literature and methodology. Participants will engage in hands-on practice creating, testing, and refining interview guides applicable to their own research interests in order to improve their qualitative research data collection skills and to improve interview data quality.
The didactic portion of the workshop will provide an overview of rigorous interview guide development and its impact on collecting rich and trustworthy qualitative data. Foundational concepts, including intentional linguistic focus, the use of "root" questions to maximize openness and trustworthiness, purposeful sequencing, iterative guide refinement and the development of effective follow-up prompts will be discussed utilizing concrete examples from successful HSR&D research. This workshop will be highly participatory, with integrated opportunities for skill development in creating, testing, and refining interview guides in order to maximize the collection of high-quality data. Participants will have the opportunity to apply core concepts and techniques to their own research interests.
Target Audience:
Researchers and research staff using, or planning on using, qualitative interviews as a form of data collection.
Assumed Audience Familiarity with Topic:
Intermediate level content -- appropriate for newer and experienced qualitative researchers.