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2017 HSR&D/QUERI National Conference Abstract

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4064 — Applying User Experience Journey Mapping to the Modernization of VHA Health Information Technology Solutions

Lead/Presenter: Ashley Cook
All Authors: Cook AE (CSRA Inc.) Nebeker JR (VistA Evolution Clinical Lead)

The objective of this project was to visualize a series of outpatient clinical encounters, identify innovative solutions to pain points and provide this information to development teams and executive decision makers to help them understand how opportunities or compromises in HIT investment could affect the vision of the ideal to-be experience, specifically the prioritization of the modernization of VA's EHR. Journey maps allow for visual representation of the experience.

This project employed rapid ethnography, interviews and unmoderated questionnaires to collect qualitative information, used to produce a package of maps of the experiences of three people (represented as validated personas). Maps depicted the same health need for one Veteran and mapped her perspective along with that of two VHA staff members (primary care provider and maternity care coordinator) involved in delivering her care. Each person's journey aligned their experience in VA's current as-is state with their experience in a future envisioned to-be state, along with the supporting HIT resources for both.

The development of the as-is journey maps identified dozens of touch points that demonstrate opportunities for innovative improvements to the overall user experience of clinical outpatient encounters. These opportunities were used to develop the future envisioned to-be state, demonstrating how excellent user experiences can be provided for both the Veteran and those who support their care, while also engaging the Veteran as an active member of his/her own care team.

Journey maps are powerful tools to help put and keep the user at the center of organizational thinking. When maps are paired to provide perspectives of the variety of people experiencing the same series of events, opportunities and compromises can be more thoughtfully considered, while continually accelerating decision making and innovation. They will continually encourage consideration of users' questions and needs throughout decision making at all levels.

Journey maps of clinical scenarios done in this way can support prioritization of business process re-engineering needs, process improvement projects, and health information technology development. This particular package of maps is being used for EHR Modernization prioritization activities.