Lead/Presenter: Javad Razjouyan, COIN - Houston
All Authors:
Razjouyan J, COIN-Houston; Najafi B, Interdisciplinary Consortium on Advanced Motion Performance (iCAMP), Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, Michael E. DeBakey Depart; Naik AD, VA HSR&D, Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, TX 77030, USA.;
Workshop Objectives:
Due to the increasing time constraints and limitations in access to care, tools for providing objective measurements of patient-centered outcomes are needed. Wearable and environmental sensors show promise as effective tools for measuring physical, psychological, and cognitive performance of individuals even in remote areas. As it becomes cheaper, more reliable and easier to use, sensor-based technology is increasingly present in patient-clinician interactions. Despite these benefits, significant practical and regulatory challenges exist that limit widespread adoption. In this workshop we try to: 1. understand how to leverage sensor-derived data into VA research and quality of care, 2. present the minimum requirements for sensor technology in a healthcare research, 3. address the Research and Development Committee concerns regarding data security, privacy and informed consent
The didactic portion of the workshop has the following sections: introduction, regulation, application and audience engagement. In the introduction section (15 min) we will provide an overview of current status of wearable sensors, the type of measurement, sensor placement, form factors, sensor categories, and applications to healthcare research. In the regulation section (30 min), the process of selecting wearable sensor based on federal agency guidelines (i.e. safety, suitability and validity), ethical consideration, RandD or IRB committee requirements and the process of patient informed consent will be presented. In the application section (30 min), we describe examples of wearable sensors use and additive value in clinical and health outcomes research. In the engagement (15 min), several questions will be asked to engage the audience and brought their insight or questions to the panel. Participants will have the opportunity to apply core concepts and techniques to their own research interests.
Target Audience:
Investigators interested in using the wearable sensors in their research, as well as project managers and staff interested in how data are accessed and used, what data are available and how to use sensors to perform health outcomes research.
Assumed Audience Familiarity with Topic:
Attendees should be familiar with general concept of wearable sensors like FitBit or Apple watch. Technical experience with the sensors is not required.