Lead/Presenter: Jennifer Funderburk, VA Center for Integrated Healthcare
All Authors:
Funderburk JS, VA Center for Integrated Healthcare; Shepardson RS, VA Center for Integrated Healthcare; Gass J, VA Center for Integrated Healthcare;
Workshop Objectives:
It is critical that HSRD researchers be mindful of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in all research even if their research aims do not specifically focus on EDI questions. Although training curriculums increasingly including elements of EDI , many current researchers have had limited training on how to attend to these elements in practice. Over the past two years, Drs. Funderburk, Shepardson, and Gass have explored ways to attend to EDI within their funded HSRD research grants (C19-20-206, IIR 16-055, SDR 21-133, IIR 20-146, CDA 15-262, 18-006) and will share lessons learned to help other researchers improve their research at all stages.
This will be an interactive workshop to identify practical ways to attend to EDI throughout the process of health services research and professional activities. The workshop includes both didactics and interactive activities to assist attendees in reviewing the material and developing a plan for applying it in their own work. The initial segment will provide an overview of the evidence-base on why being mindful to EDI within research (even if you are not a diversity or health equity researcher) is important (15 minutes) include a self-reflection activity prompting attendees to reflect on their current efforts to do so (15 minutes). Two additional 30-minute segments will cover practical strategies to attend to EDI within implementation of VA research as well as other professional activities (e.g., publications, hiring, supervision of staff). First, presenters will share a variety of strategies that can be utilized from the point of research conceptualization through data analysis and dissemination. For instance, Dr. Funderburk will share specific questions asked of the Veteran engagement board to increase diverse Veteran engagement prior to conducting COVID related research, Dr. Shepardson will share how Veteran and staff feedback can be utilized to refine interventions for widespread acceptability prior to an RCT, and Dr. Gass will share a data evaluation strategy to examine diverse Veteran recruitment as recruitment is occurring. Regarding professional activities, some examples of content that will be shared include a checklist of things to review prior to any presentation or publication submission as well as several approaches to support hiring, training, and supervising research staff who will reflect and be attuned to EDI (e.g., methods for recruiting diverse staff, quarterly diversity-focused topics). The final 30-minute segment will use small group, guided discussions to identify strategies that attendees want to try in their own work.
Target Audience:
To best serve our diverse Veteran and VA healthcare staff populations as well as to respect and reflect the diversity that exists in the world, researchers need to become more actively engaged in attending to EDI throughout the research process. This workshop is designed for any HSRD researcher who aims to increase their own awareness of and attention to EDI within their research and professional activities. Attendees will leave with a set of practical strategies that they can enact or adapt in their own work to improve their attention to EDI.
Assumed Audience Familiarity with Topic:
Beginner level