Darius B Dawson, PhD, MA
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, TX
Houston, TX
Darius B. Dawson, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and core investigator at the Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety (IQuESt) at Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center (MEDVAMC). Dr. Dawson is also an Assistant Professor (tenure track) in the Department of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. He received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Texas at Austin and completed his pre-doctoral internship at Baylor College of Medicine. He completed an advanced fellowship in health services research at the South Central Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center at MEDVAMC.
Dr. Dawson's research aims to promote health equity in tobacco cessation treatment, specifically addressing barriers and enhancing facilitators to treatment for minoritized Veterans. His work focuses on the development, evaluation, and implementation of culturally informed strategies that enhance access to evidence-based behavioral treatments in primary care settings. His career development award seeks to develop and test a health communication intervention to increase initiation of tobacco cessation services, and to complete an evaluation of delivery of these services for African American and Hispanic Veterans who use tobacco.
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