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SPRINT Updates on Suicide Prevention Research Evidence

SPRINT Evidence Review Workgroup

Workgroup Products

Evidence-based Synthesis Program Suicide Prevention Review Products

The VA Evidence Synthesis Program (ESP), established in 2007, makes high quality evidence synthesis available to clinicians, managers and policymakers as they work to improve the health and healthcare of Veterans. ESP reports help: (1) Develop clinical policies informed by evidence; (2) Implement effective services to improve patient outcomes and to support VA clinical practice guidelines and performance measures; and (3) Set the direction for future research to address gaps in clinical knowledge. Below are links to products the VA ESP has completed that are relevant to suicide prevention.

Risk and Protective Factors Across Socioecological Levels of Risk for Suicide: An Evidence Map (VA network access only)


Population and Community-Based Interventions to Prevent Suicide (VA network access only)


Evidence Inventory: Altitude and Suicide Risk (VA network access only)


Compendium - Evidence on Ketamine or Esketamine Use for Depressive Disorders, PTSD, or Suicide (VA network access only)


Compendium: Evidence on Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention (VA network access only)


Compendium: Evidence on Risk Factors for Suicide Deaths and Attempts (VA network access only)


Compendium: Systematic Reviews of Suicide Prevention Topics (VA network access only)


Evidence Assist: Over-door Alarm Devices in Inpatient Mental Health Units (VA network access only)


Relationship of Deployment-related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depressive Disorders, Substance Use Disorders, Suicidal Ideation, and Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review


Evidence Brief - Suicide Prevention in Veterans


Evidence Brief - Suicide Prevention in Veterans


Systematic Review of Suicide Prevention in Veterans


Suicide Risk Factors and Risk Assessment Tools (Release Date: March 2012)


Suicide Prevention Interventions and Referral/Follow-up Services


Strategies for Suicide Prevention in Veterans (Release Date: January 2009)


VA Office of Suicide Prevention Literature Summaries

The “From Science to Practice" series translates evidence-based research into informative and practical steps that health care providers can use to help support their Veteran patients. The "From Science to Practice" series describes a number of suicide risk and protective factors. From Science to Practice is available at:

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