Opioids are a class of medication that are typically used to reduce and manage both acute- and long-term pain. Opioids can be both naturally occurring and synthetically manufactured, and encompass both legally and illegally made and used products. While they can be effective in reducing short-term acute pain, long-term use carries risks, including addiction and accidental overdose. In order to help effectively manage opioid prescribing and use, HSR researchers conduct investigations into various aspects of opioid management, including prescription medication reviews, adjunct pain management therapy, and opioid use disorder treatment.
Each section below is populated by a search of the HSR website. Search results are generated based on the search term "Opioid". Results are updated as new data are available.
VIEW: Citations | Publication Briefs | Studies | HSR Briefs, Reports, Newsletters | Cyberseminars | Videos | Podcasts | Other Resources
Citations(5 of more than 1240 OPIOID focused publications)
Publication Briefs(5 of more than 73 OPIOID focused publication briefs)
Studies( 5 of more than 56 OPIOID focused projects )
CyberseminarsThe most recent "Opioid" seminars are displayed. |
Date | Title | Presenter(s) |
10/24/2024 | Survey of Reasons Veterans Don’t Use Complementary and Integrative Health Services | Black, Anne |
9/26/2024 | Pain and Opioid AMP Updates for Fiscal Year 2025 | Plouzek, Cathie Fowler, Carol Sankar, Jayanthi Kusiak, Audrey |
6/4/2024 | Pain & Opioid Use Actively Managed Portfolio (POU AMP) | Kusiak, Audrey Sankar, Jayanthi Fowler, Carol Plouzek, Cathie |
12/5/2023 | Developing a Pain Management Model for Patients Receiving Medication for Opioid Use Disorder | Barry, Declan |
11/16/2023 | Balancing Characteristics of Veterans on Long-term Opioid Therapy Who Used vs. Did Not Use CIH Services | Black, Anne |
VideosThere are currently no videos for this topic. |
PodcastsThere are currently no podcasts for this topic. |
Other Resources