HSR Resource Centers
Center Focus:
- Document and evaluate of VA economic data bases, including Managerial Cost Accounting (MCA) system national data extracts, and data on purchased care, pharmacy, prosthetics and other cost data.
- Create new VA economics data, including a comprehensive estimate of the cost of all VA health care encounters, annual patient-level cost estimates, an index of the relative labor cost of different facilities, a schedule of the cost of employing different types of health care staff, and a discharge-level database of inpatient costs derived from the MCA inpatient data.
- Provide Cybercourses on cost-effectiveness analysis and econometric methods.
- Coordinate Cyberseminars on health economic methods and findings
- Assist VA researchers with a health economics consulting service
- Convene working groups of HSR researchers to address economic issues of special concern to the Veterans Health Administration.
Todd Wagner, PhD
(650) 617-2630
email: herc@va.gov
website: https://www.herc.research.va.gov
Center Focus
- Developing publications and managing HSR national dissemination efforts;
- Managing the national HSR and QUERI websites;
- Planning and facilitating meetings and conferences, including HSR and QUERI national meetings and state-of-the-art conferences;
- Coordinating HSR cyber seminars; and
- Developing HSR contributions to R&D publications and other VA and non-VA publications and products.
Gerald F. O'Keefe, JD, MPH
(857) 364-6073
email: Cider.Boston@va.gov
website: https://www.cider.research.va.gov/