The medical management of chronic (long-term) or acute (short-term) pain is an important priority for VA, as some 77% of Veterans report pain control as among their top three priorities in primary care.* Important issues being studied include whether computer-aided screening will increase pain diagnosis, and what techniques will best support Veterans in self-managing their pain.
* Mitchinson AR, Kerr EA, Krein SL. "Management of chronic noncancer pain by VA primary care providers: when is pain control a priority?' Am J Manag Care. 2008 Feb;14(2):77-84.
Each section below is populated by a search of the HSR website. Search results are generated based on the search term "Pain". Results are updated as new data are available.
VIEW: Citations | Publication Briefs | Studies | HSR Briefs, Reports, Newsletters | Cyberseminars | Videos | Podcasts | Other Resources
Publication Briefs(5 of more than 95 PAIN focused publication briefs)
Studies( 5 of more than 93 PAIN focused projects )
CyberseminarsThe most recent "Pain" seminars are displayed. |
Date | Title | Presenter(s) |
1/16/2025 | Evidence Map of Massage Therapy for Pain: Update from 2018–2023 | Shekelle, Paul Mak, Selene |
1/7/2025 | Supporting Whole Person Pain Management in the Military Health System | Fritz, Julie Rhon, Dan |
12/12/2024 | Therapist Delivered Massage for Veterans with Chronic Neck Pain: Outcomes from the TOMCATT Trial | Munk, Niki Bair, Matthew |
12/3/2024 | How many chiropractic visits does it take to help Veterans with chronic low back pain? Part 1: Characteristics of the VERDICT sample | Goertz, Christine Long, Cynthia |
11/21/2024 | Hypnosis and Meditation for Chronic Pain: Conceptual and Methods Considerations | Williams, Rhonda |
Videos |
PodcastsThere are currently no podcasts for this topic. |
Other Resources