Dr. Barbara Bokhour (right)
Dr. Barbara Bokhour, Co-Director of VA's Center for Healthcare Organization & Implementation Research (CHOIR) and Principal Investigator of VA’s Quality Enhancement Research Initiative’s (QUERI) Center for Evaluating VA Patient-Centered Care, has been awarded the 2019 Engel Award from the Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH).
Dr. Bokhour is an expert in the use of qualitative research methods for health services research. She applies her expertise to research that focuses on patient-provider communication and the effect of culture on communication, racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare, and chronic illness. In addition, she has expertise in implementation science, helping VA implement best practices into routine patient care.
The ACH is comprised of healthcare professionals who are committed to improving communication and relationships among patients, providers, and organizations. The Engel Award is presented annually in recognition of outstanding research contributing to the theory, practice, and teaching of effective healthcare communication and related skills. The award honors Dr. George L. Engel, an internist whose articulation of the "biopsychosocial model" had a profound impact on the clinical approach to patients, the medical interview and the patient-doctor relationship.