Andrea LaCroix, PhD
Donna Washington, MD, MPH
Julie Weitlauf, PhD
Seminar date: 2/24/2016
Description: This Cyberseminar is the second of a five part series presenting the results from the Women's Health Initiative. This Cyberseminar will address the following: 1) Aging Well Among Women Veterans Compared to Non-Veterans: Does Veteran status influences healthy aging metrics, including successful, effective and optimal aging and the probability of living to age 80 years without disease and disability?; 2) Trajectories of physical activity and sedentary time after military separation: What are the longitudinal trajectories of recreational physical activity and sedentary time between Veteran and non-Veteran postmenopausal women in the WHI?; 3) Longitudinal Cognitive Trajectories of Women Veterans from the WHI: What do longitudinal global cognitive functioning data tell us about the complex array of military-related health resilience and risk factors and risk for cognitive decline? Intended audience: Researchers, clinicians and others interested in the health of older women.
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