Susan Frayne, MD, MPH
Alison Hamilton, PhD, MPH
Elizabeth Yano, PhD, MSPH
Seminar date: 11/5/2018
Description: We will provide an overview of the VA Women’s Health Research Network, including the Research Consortium, the Women’s Health Practice Based Research Network, and the Multilevel Stakeholder Engagement Initiative, designed in the aggregate to advance VA’s women’s health research agenda, better understand and act on gender differences in care, and accelerate interventions, implementation and high-impact research. Additionally, we will provide a summary of the types of supportive services, activities and function of the VA Women’s Health Research Network and describe how to participate in collaborative research development and access resources for technical support, dissemination assistance, partnered research, multisite research, and multilevel stakeholder engagement methods. Intended Audience: all VA researchers who conduct health services research, program evaluation, and implementation science, as well as clinical and rehabilitation research that focuses on patient, provider and/or systems level inquiry. Operations and policy partners interested in how to use the Network for evaluation and/or quality improvement are also welcome.
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