Bonnie Paris, PhD
Joshua Thorpe, PhD, MPH
Seminar date: 5/3/2021
Description: This session will explore the content and structure of pharmacy datasets in the VA and the Medicare Part D Slim File. Dr. Paris will provide an overview of pharmacy data in the Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW), Managerial Cost Accounting National Data Extracts (MCA NDE), Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM), and Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) data set. Dr. Thorpe will provide an overview of data in the Medicare Part D Slim File and discuss how he combined data from PBM and the Medicare datasets in his research on the effects of dual use of VA PBM/Medicare Part D drug benefits on unsafe prescribing in older Veterans. In addition, presenters will provide information on resources for using VA pharmacy data in research.
After this session, participants will be able to:
• Understand basic content and organization of key VA pharmacy data
• Appreciate the value of non-VA data sources to measure pharmacy use
• Know where to find resources about VA pharmacy data
DOWNLOAD: PDF handout | Audio only (mp3) | transcript not yet available