Lexi Matza, PhD
Alex McConnell, PhD
Jillian Shipherd, PhD
Seminar date: 12/2/2024
Description: In this Cyberseminar, staff from the LGBTQ+ Health Program will provide a summary of the recently-held Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer+ (LGBQ+) Veteran Health: Establishing a Research Agenda Field-Based Meeting, including results from a scoping review of the existing LGBQ+ Veteran health literature. Staff will also provide an update on the state of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) administrative data in VA and resources available for research and operations staff interested in using these data. Dr. Jillian Shipherd, Deputy Director for the LGBTQ+ Health Program, will serve as discussant.
Intended Audience: VA and non-VA clinicians, researchers, administrators and policymakers
DOWNLOAD: PDF handout | Audio only (mp3) | transcript