Topic: Mental health
Date: 12/09/2021
Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) dissemination coordinator Diane Hanks talks with Dr. Joe Geraci, investigator and clinical psychologist at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, New York. In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Geraci is the co-Director of the Transitioning Servicemember/Veteran Suicide and Prevention Center, which is a joint effort between VISN 2 and VISN 17. Recently, Dr. Geraci partnered with QUERI to evaluate the effectiveness of the Transitioning Servicemember/Veteran Sponsorship initiative.
Dr. Geraci is a retired U.S. Army Infantry Lieutenant Colonel, having served for 20 years and been deployed as a combat leader with elite Special Operations/Ranger, Airborne, and Infantry units to Afghanistan four times since September 11, 2001.
See also QUERI News article: Suicide Prevention for Transitioning Servicemembers
Listen (28:30), Transcript