Prepared by:
Evidence-based Synthesis Program (ESP) Coordinating Center
Portland VA Health Care System
Portland, OR
Mark Helfand, MD, MPH, MS, Director
Recommended Citation:
Peterson K, Anderson J, Bourne, D. Evidence Brief: Use of Patient Reported Outcome Measures for Measurement Based Care in Mental Health Shared Decision-Making. VA ESP Project #09-199; 2018.
Download PDF: Brief, Executive summary, Supplemental Materials
This evidence brief will address the following key questions and inclusion criteria:
Key Question 1: What is the effectiveness of measurement based care delivery practices in mental health care?
Key Question 2: What are the adverse effects and unintended consequences of using measurement based care delivery practices in mental health care?
Key Question 3: Do the effectiveness and/or adverse effects of using measurement based care delivery practices in mental health care vary by patient demographics (gender, race, etc) or mental health characteristics/diagnoses (psychoses, addiction, PTSD, suicide risk, etc)?