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McFarland LV, Reiber GE, Norman JE. Recruitment of Medicaid and dual-enrolled Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes mellitus into a randomized controlled trial. The American journal of managed care. 2005 Jul 1; 11(7):443-8.
OBJECTIVE: To document the recruitment of Medicaid and dual-enrolled Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes mellitus into a randomized clinical trial. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial with 1-year follow-up. METHODS: A total of 2242 Medicaid or dual-enrolled Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes residing in King County, Washington, were recruited by direct mail for a clinical trial of diabetes self-care management. Washington State Medicaid program databases were used to identify the target population who received recruitment packets from the program director. Individuals who did not return a participation refusal letter were telephoned to determine study eligibility. Subjects were screened during a study visit, and written informed consent was obtained. Enrolled subjects were randomized to a self-care intervention group or a usual care group. RESULTS: Of 2242 recruitment packets sent, we were unable to contact 40% of the target population, despite the fact that packets were sent to the same mailing addresses used for monthly Medicaid check distributions. The primary recruitment challenges were missing telephone contact information and a lack of interpreters speaking needed dialects. Of the 146 subjects enrolled, 71% were nonwhite, 28% were non-English speaking, 69% were women, and the mean age was 59.8 years. CONCLUSIONS: Research in Medicaid and Medicare populations is possible but requires additional time, energy, and resources. The finding that 40% of the Medicaid population could not be contacted suggests that Medicaid may want to revisit their contact information procedures to facilitate case management and other programs.