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Kirchner JE, Woodward EN, Smith JL, Curran GM, Kilbourne AM, Owen RR, Bauer MS. Implementation Science Supports Core Clinical Competencies: An Overview and Clinical Example. The primary care companion for CNS disorders. 2016 Dec 8; 18(6).
Objective: Instead of asking clinicians to work faster or longer to improve quality of care, implementation science provides another option. Implementation science is an emerging interdisciplinary field dedicated to studying how evidence-based practice can be adopted into routine clinical care. This article summarizes principles and methods of implementation science, illustrates how they can be applied in a routine clinical setting, and highlights their importance to practicing clinicians as well as clinical trainees. Method: A hypothetical clinical case scenario is presented that explains how implementation science improves clinical practice. The case scenario is also embedded within a real-world implementation study to improve metabolic monitoring for individuals prescribed antipsychotics. Results: Context, recipient, and innovation (ie, the evidence-based practice) factors affected improvement of metabolic monitoring. To address these factors, an external facilitator and a local quality improvement team developed an implementation plan involving a multicomponent implementation strategy that included education, performance reports, and clinician follow-up. The clinic remained compliant with recommended metabolic monitoring at 1-year follow up. Conclusions: Implementation science improves clinical practice by addressing context, recipient, and innovation factors and uses this information to develop and utilize specific strategies that improve clinical practice. It also enriches clinical training, aligning with core competencies by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education and American Boards of Medical Specialties. By learning how to change clinical practice through implementation strategies, clinicians are more able to adapt in complex systems of practice.