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Nelson RE. Cost Effective Analysis on VA Interventions to inform VA Decision Makers. 2017 Jul 1.
Brief Description: Several important Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of VA Interventions or Programs to Inform VA Decision Makers have been conducted by our COIN. These include VA MRSA Initiative (Nelson, Am J Prev Med 2016); Strategies to control for C diff transmission and infection using an agent-based simulation model (Nelson, PLOS One 2016); Adherence engineering strategy for central line maintenance procedures (Nelson, ICHE 2015); and Mini-residency to train rural providers to perform joint injections (Nelson, Arthritis Care Res 2014). We continue to present and discuss these findings with VA clinical decision makers and policy makers through conferences. Adoption by VA Facilities: On an individual basis Led to or Shaped VA National Program or Clinical Practice(s): Increased attention to cost-effectiveness and cost savings by clinicians and policy makers.