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Leroux AJ, Waid-Ebbs JK, Wen PS, Helmer DA, Graham DP, O'Connor MK, Ray K. An Investigation of Exposure Control Methods With Variable-Length CAT Using the Partial Credit Model. Applied psychological measurement. 2019 Nov 1; 43(8):624-638.
The purpose of this simulation study was to investigate the effect of several different item exposure control procedures in computerized adaptive testing (CAT) with variable-length stopping rules using the partial credit model. Previous simulation studies on CAT exposure control methods with polytomous items rarely considered variable-length tests. The four exposure control techniques examined were the randomesque with a group of three items, randomesque with a group of six items, progressive-restricted standard error (PR-SE), and no exposure control. The two variable-length stopping rules included were the and predicted standard error reduction (PSER), along with three item pools of varied sizes (43, 86, and 172 items). Descriptive statistics on number of nonconvergent cases, measurement precision, testing burden, item overlap, item exposure, and pool utilization were calculated. Results revealed that the PSER stopping rule administered fewer items on average while maintaining measurement precision similar to the stopping rule across the different item pool sizes and exposure controls. The PR-SE exposure control procedure surpassed the randomesque methods by further reducing test overlap, maintaining maximum exposure rates at the target rate or lower, and utilizing all items from the pool with a minimal increase in number of items administered and nonconvergent cases.