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Nehrig N, Chen CK. How to address the needs of non-responders to REACH VA: a qualitative analysis. Aging & mental health. 2019 Sep 1; 23(9):1203-1208.
This study used qualitative methods to understand how to further alleviate symptoms of depression and caregiver burden and address the needs of non-responders following a course of Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health in VA (REACH VA). Semi-structured interviews with caregivers and interventionists post-treatment were coded for themes related to ways to address the needs of non-responder caregivers. The following suggestions recurred among non-responder caregivers and interventionists: (1) tailor skills and psychoeducation material to caregiver's needs; (2) provide greater overall support within the realm of caregiving; (3) explore and process caregiver's emotions around caregiving experience and grief; (4) address interpersonal difficulties and barriers to asking for help; (5) spend more time practicing skills to aid in implementing them at home. For many non-responders, a longer-term treatment targeting caregivers' emotional processing, interpersonal skills, social connection, acquisition and implementation of skills is indicated.