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Tornatore JB, Grant LA. Burden among family caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's disease in nursing homes. The Gerontologist. 2002 Aug 1; 42(4):497-506.
PURPOSE: This article examines family caregiver burden after placement of a relative with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia in a nursing home. Design and Methods: A systems-oriented contextual approach was used to study burden in 276 family caregivers. RESULTS: SAS PROC MIXED analysis showed burden to be associated with caregiver age, length of time involved in caregiving, custodial units, involvement in hands-on care, and expectations for care. IMPLICATIONS: The findings suggest that more services aimed at relieving caregiver burden after nursing home placement may be warranted, particularly so for caregivers who are older and for those who had a shorter length of involvement in direct caregiving before institutionalization.