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Practice and market factors associated with provider volume of health information exchange.

Apathy NC, Vest JR, Adler-Milstein J, Blackburn J, Dixon BE, Harle CA. Practice and market factors associated with provider volume of health information exchange. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2021 Jul 14; 28(7):1451-1460.

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OBJECTIVE: To assess the practice- and market-level factors associated with the amount of provider health information exchange (HIE) use. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Provider and practice-level data was drawn from the Meaningful Use Stage 2 Public Use Files from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Physician Compare National Downloadable File, and the Compendium of US Health Systems, among other sources. We analyzed the relationship between provider HIE use and practice and market factors using multivariable linear regression and compared primary care providers (PCPs) to non-PCPs. Provider volume of HIE use is measured as the percentage of referrals sent with electronic summaries of care (eSCR) reported by eligible providers attesting to the Meaningful Use electronic health record (EHR) incentive program in 2016. RESULTS: Providers used HIE in 49% of referrals; PCPs used HIE in fewer referrals (43%) than non-PCPs (57%). Provider use of products from EHR vendors was negatively related to HIE use, while use of Athenahealth and Greenway Health products were positively related to HIE use. Providers treating, on average, older patients and greater proportions of patients with diabetes used HIE for more referrals. Health system membership, market concentration, and state HIE consent policy were unrelated to provider HIE use. DISCUSSION: HIE use during referrals is low among office-based providers with the capability for exchange, especially PCPs. Practice-level factors were more commonly associated with greater levels of HIE use than market-level factors. CONCLUSION: This furthers the understanding that market forces, like competition, may be related to HIE adoption decisions but are less important for use once adoption has occurred.

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