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Lau YK, Bhattarai H, Caverly TJ, Hung PY, Jimenez-Mendoza E, Patel MR, Coté ML, Arenberg DA, Meza R. Lung Cancer Screening Knowledge, Perceptions, and Decision Making Among African Americans in Detroit, Michigan. American journal of preventive medicine. 2021 Jan 1; 60(1):e1-e8.
INTRODUCTION: Previously, a web-based, patient-facing decision aid for lung cancer screening,, was developed and evaluated. An initial evaluation was completed before the Medicare coverage decision and recruited a nondiverse sample of mostly former smokers, limiting the understanding of the potential effectiveness of the tool among diverse populations. This study evaluates among African Americans in Metro Detroit. METHODS: Using insights obtained from participatory workshops in this population, content changes to were implemented, and this modified version was evaluated with a before-after study. Measures included knowledge of lung cancer screening, decisional conflict, and concordance between individual preference and screening eligibility. Surveys occurred between April and July 2018. Participants were contacted 6 months after the survey to assess subsequent screening behaviors. Analysis took place in 2019. RESULTS: Data were collected from 74 participants aged 45-77 years, who were current/former smokers with no history of lung cancer. The average knowledge score increased by 25% from 5.7 (SD = 1.94) before to 7.1 (SD = 2.30) after (out of 13 points). Decisional conflict was halved between before and after. Concordance between individual preference and eligibility for screening increased from 22% (SD = 41) to 35% (SD = 47). Half of the participants felt uncomfortable answering surveys electronically and requested paper versions. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the tool led to small improvements in lung cancer screening knowledge and increased concordance with current recommendations. Additional design modifications and modes of information delivery of these decision aids should be considered to increase their efficacy in helping populations with lower educational attainment and computer literacy.