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Kernan LM, Dryden EM, Nearing K, Kennedy MA, Hung W, Moo L, Pimentel CB. Integrating CFIR-ERIC and e-Delphi Methods to Increase Telegeriatrics Uptake. The Gerontologist. 2023 Mar 21; 63(3):545-557.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Participatory implementation methods are needed in geriatric health care to improve care and services for a growing population of older adults. We describe an efficient participatory approach to improve uptake of Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) Connect, a national geriatrics outpatient consultation service using telehealth technology to connect geriatric specialists to rural, older veterans though community-based clinics. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We designed a three-phase participatory method to identify high-priority implementation strategies to support the uptake of GRECC Connect. We used the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research-Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (CFIR-ERIC) Strategy Matching Tool to derive expert-recommended implementation strategies informed by qualitative interviews with both GRECC Connect staff and clinicians at community-based clinics. We engaged expert panelists in a participatory two-step modified e-Delphi process using confidential surveys and discussion to prioritize strategies nationally. RESULTS: Qualitative interviews revealed barriers, facilitators, and recommendations for program uptake. Many strategies recommended by CFIR-ERIC addressed multiple barriers but needed to be tailored to our specific context. In our two-step e-Delphi process, expert panelists shared previous experience with the strategies presented, views on the importance and feasibility of each, and arrived at a consensus about which strategies to prioritize nationally. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: We demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of engaging subject matter experts to identify strategies to be tested on a national level. Future considerations include weighting of survey responses, accounting for regional differences, and sensitivity of Likert scales used in the e-Delphi process.