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HSR Citation Abstract

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Design and methods of a randomized trial testing "Advancing care for COPD in people living with HIV by implementing evidence-based management through proactive E-consults (ACHIEVE)".

Ives J, Bagchi S, Soo S, Barrow C, Akgün KM, Erlandson KM, Goetz M, Griffith M, Gross R, Hulgan T, Moanna A, Soo Hoo GW, Weintrob A, Wongtrakool C, Adams SV, Sayre G, Helfrich CD, Au DH, Crothers K. Design and methods of a randomized trial testing "Advancing care for COPD in people living with HIV by implementing evidence-based management through proactive E-consults (ACHIEVE)". Contemporary clinical trials. 2023 Sep 1; 132:107303.

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common comorbid diseases among aging people with HIV (PWH) and is often mismanaged. To address this gap, we are conducting the study, "Advancing care for COPD in people living with HIV by Implementing Evidence-based management through proactive E-consults (ACHIEVE)." This intervention optimizes COPD management by promoting effective, evidence-based care and de-implementing inappropriate therapies for COPD in PWH receiving care at Veteran Affairs (VA) medical centers. Study pulmonologists are proactively supporting ID providers managing a population of PWH who have COPD, offering real-time evidence-based recommendations tailored to each patient. We are leveraging VA clinical and informatics infrastructures to communicate recommendations between the study team and clinical providers through the electronic health record (EHR) as an E-consult. If effective, ACHIEVE could serve as a model of effective, efficient COPD management among PWH receiving care in VA. This paper outlines the rationale and methodology of the ACHIEVE trial, one of a series of studies funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) within the ImPlementation REsearCh to DEvelop Interventions for People Living with HIV (PRECluDE) consortium to study chronic disease comorbidities in HIV populations.

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