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HSR Citation Abstract

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Trends in Bundled Outpatient Behavioral Health Services in VA-Direct Versus VA-Purchased Care.

Kelley AT, Torre MP, Wagner TH, Rosen AK, Shwartz M, Lu CC, Brown TK, Zheng T, Beilstein-Wedel E, Vanneman ME. Trends in Bundled Outpatient Behavioral Health Services in VA-Direct Versus VA-Purchased Care. Administration and policy in mental health. 2024 Nov 1; 51(6):998-1010.

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The Veterans Health Administration (VA) increasingly purchases community-based care (CC) to improve healthcare access, including behavioral health. In 2018, VA introduced standardized episodes of care (SEOCs) to guide authorization and purchase of CC services for specific indications in a defined timeframe without bundling payment. In this retrospective cross-sectional study, we describe trends in VA and CC behavioral healthcare utilization using the VA Outpatient Psychiatry SEOC definition. Counts of Outpatient Psychiatry SEOC-allowable service and procedure codes during fiscal years 2016-2019 were organized according to four SEOC-defined service types (evaluation and management, laboratory services, psychiatry services, transitional care) and measured as percentages of all included codes. Trends comparing behavioral healthcare utilization between Veterans using any CC versus VA only were analyzed using a linear mixed effects model. We identified nearly 3 million Veterans who registered 60 million qualifying service and procedure codes, with overall utilization increasing 77.8% in CC versus 5.2% in VA. Veterans receiving any CC comprised 3.9% of the cohort and 4.7% of all utilization. When examining service type as a percent of all Outpatient Psychiatry SEOC-allowable care among Veterans using CC, psychiatry services increased 12.2%, while transitional care decreased 8.8%. In regression analysis, shifts in service type utilization reflected descriptive results but with attenuated effect sizes. In sum, Outpatient Psychiatry SEOC-allowable service utilization grew, and service type composition changed, significantly more in CC than in VA. The role of SEOCs and their incentives may be important when evaluating future behavioral healthcare quality and value in bundled services.

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