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Levin C, Ilgen M, Moos R. Avoidance coping strategies moderate the relationship between self-efficacy and 5-year alcohol treatment outcomes. Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 2007 Mar 1; 21(1):108-13.
Both self-efficacy and coping strategies are important determinants of functioning for substance use disorder patients, yet little is known about their interrelationship. This study examined the relationship between abstinence self-efficacy and cognitive components of coping (positive reappraisal, cognitive avoidance) for male participants (n = 2,596) from 15 residential substance use disorder treatment programs who were assessed at treatment entry, discharge, and 5-year follow-up. Cognitive avoidance coping moderated the effects of self-efficacy on alcohol use at 5 years, whereas positive reappraisal coping was largely unrelated to outcomes. Specifically, for patients with low self-efficacy, reliance on avoidance coping strategies was associated with poorer alcohol use outcomes, but as self-efficacy increased, the negative influence of avoidance coping strategies diminished.(c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved.