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HSR Citation Abstract

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Health barriers to walking for exercise in elderly primary care.

Cooper KM, Bilbrew D, Dubbert PM, Kerr K, Kirchner K. Health barriers to walking for exercise in elderly primary care. Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.). 2001 Sep 1; 22(5):258-62.

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Health status is acknowledged by nursing theory as a factor in the probability of health behavior changes. Yet few studies have addressed the health-related barriers encountered by chronically ill elderly patients in primary care clinics who are trying to increase their physical activity. This study used self- and interviewer-administered instruments to assess potential barriers to physical activity in a sample of 60- to 80-year-old patients entering a walking program. Pain, fatigue, and mobility and sensory impairments were prevalent and could be significant barriers to participation. The authors present specific suggestions for helping patients overcome these barriers.

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