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Chumbler NR, Hartmann D, Beck CK. Appropriateness in acquiring a family caregiver interview from older adults with suspected cognitive impairment. Aging & mental health. 2000 May 15; 4(2):158-165.
Attempted to identify the factors associated with the completion of a family caregiver interview among a sample of older adults with suspected cognitive impairment. From a random-digit dial methodology, 3,726 Ss aged 70 yrs or older were identified who had a family caregiver living in Arkansas. Of that number, 730 (19.6%) screened positive for suspected cognitive impairment. Of those who screened positive, complete data were collected on 532 Ss. Of these 532 Ss complete date were gathered on 376 of their family. A multivariate logistic regression model was developed that estimated correlates (sociodemographic, accessibility, awareness, and utilization of services, and health status characteristics) of the older adults with suspected cognitive impairment and a family caregiver who completed an interview. Multivariate analysis found that a complete caregiver interview was associated with being male, engaging in more face-to-face contact with family members other than the family caregiver, having more visits to the physician (excluding a psychiatrist) and having more difficulties performing instrumental activities of daily living. Findings suggest the importance of completing a concomitant interview with a family caregiver