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Katz BP, Holmes AM, Stump TE, Downs SM, Zillich AJ, Ackermann RT, Inui TS. The Indiana Chronic Disease Management Program's impact on Medicaid claims: a longitudinal, statewide evaluation. Medical care. 2009 Feb 1; 47(2):154-60.
BACKGROUND:: Disease management programs have grown in popularity over the past decade as a strategy to curb escalating healthcare costs for persons with chronic diseases. OBJECTIVES:: To evaluate the effect of the Indiana Chronic Disease Management Program (ICDMP) on the longitudinal changes in Medicaid claims statewide. RESEARCH DESIGN:: Phased implementation of a chronic disease management program in 3 regions of the state. Fourteen repeated cohorts of Medicaid members were drawn over a period of 3.5 years and the trends in claims were evaluated using a repeated measures model. SUBJECTS:: A total of 44,218 Medicaid members with diabetes and/or congestive heart failure in 3 geographic regions in Indiana. RESULTS:: Across all 3 regions and both disease classes, we found a flattening of cost trends between the pre- and post-ICDMP-initiation periods. This change in the slopes was significant for all of the models except for congestive heart failure in southern Indiana. Thus, the average per member claims paid was increasing at a faster rate before ICDMP but slowed once the program was initiated. To distinguish shorter and longer-term effects related to ICDMP, we estimated annual slopes within the pre- and post-ICDMP- time periods. A similar pattern was found in all regions: claims were increasing before ICDMP, flattened in the years around program initiation, and remained flat in the final year of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS:: This analysis shows that the trend in average total claims changed significantly after the implementation of ICDMP, with a decline in the rate of increase in claims paid observed for targeted Medicaid program populations across the state of Indiana.