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Rollins AL, Salyers MP, Tsai J, Lydick JM. Staff turnover in statewide implementation of ACT: relationship with ACT fidelity and other team characteristics. Administration and policy in mental health. 2010 Sep 1; 37(5):417-26.
Staff turnover on assertive community treatment (ACT) teams is a poorly understood phenomenon. This study examined annual turnover and fidelity data collected in a statewide implementation of ACT over a 5-year period. Mean annual staff turnover across all observations was 30.0%. Turnover was negatively correlated with overall fidelity at Year 1 and 3. The team approach fidelity item was negatively correlated with staff turnover at Year 3. For 13 teams with 3 years of follow-up data, turnover rates did not change over time. Most ACT staff turnover rates were comparable or better than other turnover rates reported in the mental health and substance abuse literature.