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Bormann J, Warren KA, Regalbuto L, Glaser D, Kelly A, Schnack J, Hinton L. A spiritually based caregiver intervention with telephone delivery for family caregivers of veterans with dementia. Family & Community Health. 2009 Oct 1; 32(4):345-53.
Caring for veterans with dementia is burdensome for family caregivers. This exploratory study tested the efficacy of an innovative, spiritually based mantram caregiver intervention delivered using teleconference calls. A prospective, within-subjects, mixed-methods, and 3-time repeated-measures design with 36-week follow-up telephone interviews was conducted. Sixteen caregivers (94% women, 94% Whites with mean age 69.2 years, SD = 10.35 years) completed the intervention. Significant effects for time and linear terms were found for decreasing caregiver burden, perceived stress, depression, and rumination and for increasing quality of life enjoyment and satisfaction, all with large effect sizes. Findings suggest that teleconference delivery of a spiritually based caregiver intervention is feasible.