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Moos RH, Humphreys K, Ouimette PC, Finney J. Evaluating and improving VA substance abuse patients' care. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 1999 Jan 1; 14(1):45-54.
The VA has implemented a nationwide evaluation program to monitor process and outcome of care for substance abuse patients. This program focuses on the changing characteristics of VA substance abuse patients and treatment services and involves outcome-based evaluations of major VA substance abuse treatment modalities. Initial findings show that VA substance abuse patients, including patients with concomitant psychiatric disorders, improve substantially from treatment intake to a 1-year follow-up and that community residential facilities are an important part of the continuum of substance abuse care. Moreover, within broad limits, there is a dose-response relationship between the continuity of outpatient mental health care and better 1-year substance use and psychosocial outcomes. These findings are placed into context as part of an evidence-based initiative to improve the quality of VA mental health care.