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Kressin N, Fihn S, Ibrahim SA, Goldstein M, Hynes D. Developing a high value health services research career in VA: advice from experienced investigators. Presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2011 Feb 17; National Harbor, MD.
Workshop Objectives: Becoming a successful VA HSRandD researcher involves a combination of scientific knowledge, writing skills, self-discipline, persistence, and well-informed strategic choices, as well as good mentoring. As the field evolves, and the funding process becomes more competitive, investigators with well-honed skills may be better positioned to compete. Strong local mentorship is a critical component to the successful development of junior researchers, but it is also valuable to learn from leaders in the field to whom one might not otherwise have access. We have convened a group of four highly successful HSRandD researchers, including men and women, PhDs, RNs, and MDs, from a variety of backgrounds. Drs. Stephan Fihn, Said Ibrahim, Mary Goldstein, and Denise Hynes have each held key leadership roles in VA, competed successfully for funding in VA HSRandD, and garnered national recognition from VA and elsewhere for their high-value work. Activities: Each speaker will share examples of the most helpful and important career advice they have received and given to their mentees, including topics such as identifying priorities, maximizing time management, strategies for identifying help and for delegation, maximizing writing productivity, and developing collaborations. Ample time for questions from the audience will allow for interaction and discussion with the speakers about these and other topics salient to career development. Target Audience: Any VA investigator interested in further developing their career through reflection and learning from other experienced investigators. Assumed Audience Familiarity with Topic: Basic familiarity with VA research and career development concepts.