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Mohr DC, Osatuke K, Moore S, Yanovsky B, Brassell T, Nagy M. Organizational survey of workplace climate: Differences in representation across response modes. Poster session presented at: American Evaluation Association Annual Conference; 2010 Nov 11; San Antonio, TX.
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) All Employee Survey (AES) is a voluntary annual survey, an important evaluation and feedback tool in the VHA system. The AES assesses employee job satisfaction, perceptions of workplace climate in their specific workgroups, and perceptions of organizational culture in their broad organizations (VHA hospitals, clinics, or program offices). Since 2004, the AES results are consistently used to inform local and national decision-making regarding human capital and workplace management priorities. AES response modes include paper, phone, and web. Given the changing perceptions of technology, we examined representation of employee groups by modes in years 2004, 2008, and 2010. We found the VHA workforce to be demographically similar to AES respondents, however, comparing AES respondents across mode of survey completion showed demographic differences. We conclude that offering several response modes maximizes demographically balanced participation. This is particularly important when evaluation of perceptions guides subsequent organizational actions.