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Mohr DC, Osatuke K, Brassell T. Changing Nature of Healthcare Performance Measurement. Poster session presented at: American Evaluation Association Annual Conference; 2010 Nov 10; San Antonio, TX.
The interest in performance measurement in healthcare has greatly expanded in the past decade. Healthcare system managers, providers, purchasers, policy makers and consumers have become more interested in evaluating how effectively and efficiently the care is being delivered. This initial attention was motivated by reports that individuals were receiving suboptimal care. Since then, the interest in evaluation has been maintained and further motivated by changing policies around expense reimbursements, healthcare system accreditation and quality improvement priorities. While performance measurement can lead to improvements, there are possible tradeoffs that result from a focus on compliance with the quality standard measures versus prioritizing individual patient care needs. Additionally, challenges exist in implementing systems of tracking and measurement to support evaluation and in gaining support of providers when applying these systems. The paper will discuss historical background, motivating factors, advantages/disadvantages and likely future directions on performance evaluation.