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Makin-Byrd K, Cronkite RC, Timko C. The influence of abuse victimization on attendance and involvement in mutual-help groups among dually diagnosed male veterans. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2011 Jul 1; 41(1):78-87.
Although abuse victimization and dual diagnosis are associated with poor functioning across numerous domains, their impact on attendance and involvement in mutual-help groups (MHGs) is not well understood. This study examined the impact of physical or sexual abuse victimization on MHG attendance and involvement and the influence of abuse on the association between MHG involvement and outcomes of abstinence and psychiatric health. Participants were 217 dually diagnosed men assessed at intake into mental health treatment and 6 months later. Compared with nonabused patients, sexually abused patients exhibited more substance use, psychiatric, and social problems at baseline and attended and were involved with MHGs more than nonabused patients at follow-up. Moreover, MHG involvement was most predictive of abstinence for sexually abused patients, as compared with nonabused and physically abused patients. Although dually diagnosed patients with abuse histories demonstrate more severe initial problems, they are likely to utilize MHGs, which may benefit efforts to achieve abstinence.