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Young GJ, Caso AC, Stolzman KL, Meterko MM, Osatuke K, White RA, Mohr DC. Role of primary care team climate in diabetes care. Paper presented at: Academy of Management Annual Meeting; 2010 Aug 6; Montréal, Canada.
The current study tested the utility of a three dimensional model of team climate for explaining variation in diabetes care between primary care teams. Team climate was defined as extrinsic (focus on goals and rewards), social (teamwork and cooperation), and intrinsic (autonomy and innovation). The relationship between 244 primary care team climates and diabetes processes and intermediate outcomes were estimated for 5,284 patients in a cross-sectional study. Social climate was related to an increased likelihood of diabetes care adherence. Extrinsic climate was generally not shown to be related to outcomes. Intrinsic climate was found to be highly correlated with extrinsic climate at the team level of analysis and was not included in analyses. Results provide preliminary evidence that positive social interactions in primary care teams may affect diabetes care. Suggestions are provided for continued research into the effect of both staff goal-focus and social relationships on diabetes care.