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Saini SD, Fendrick AM, Scheiman JM. Cost-effectiveness analysis: cardiovascular benefits of proton pump inhibitor co-therapy in patients using aspirin for secondary prevention. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics. 2011 Jul 1; 34(2):243-51.
BACKGROUND: Many patients with cardiovascular (CV) disease will stop aspirin (ASA) because of ASA-related dyspepsia. Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) co-therapy may reduce ASA-related dyspepsia, enhancing ASA adherence and improving CV outcomes. AIM: To explore the impact of PPI co-therapy on CV outcomes in long-term, low-dose ASA users. METHODS: We modified a previously published Markov model to assess the long-term impact of PPI co-therapy on CV and upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) outcomes among patients using ASA for secondary CV prevention. UGIB events, recurrent myocardial infarctions (MIs) and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) were measured. The perspective taken was that of a long-term payer. RESULTS: Compared with ASA alone, ASA plus PPI resulted in fewer lifetime UGIB events (3.4% vs. 7.2%) and increased ASA adherence (74% vs. 71%). Increased ASA adherence resulted in fewer recurrent MIs (26 fewer events per 10000 patients). On average, the ASA plus PPI strategy resulted in 38 additional days of life per patient, with the majority of this benefit (61%) because of a reduction in CV mortality (rather than UGIB-related mortality). ASA plus PPI was also more costly than ASA alone, with an ICER of $19000 per life-year saved. Results were sensitive to cost of PPI and impact of PPI on ASA adherence. CONCLUSIONS: Proton pump inhibitor co-therapy has the potential to impact not only GI, but also CV outcomes in patients with CV disease using ASA and such co-therapy is likely to be cost-effective. Future studies should better quantify the CV benefits of PPI co-therapy.