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Yano E, Frayne SM. Integrating Women Veterans into VA Research: What Researchers Need to Know. HSR&D Spotlight on Women's Health Cyberseminar Series. Spotlight on Women's Health [Cyberseminar]. HSR&D. 2011 Oct 4.
Description: The VA and other federal agencies require funded researchers to include women in their studies, though historically researchers have pointed to their numerical minority as rationale for their exclusion or included them in proportion to their VA representation but not always in sufficient numbers to enable subgroup analyses. However, women are now the fastest growing segment of new VA users and a focal point for policy and practice changes in VHA. VA HSRandD Service has also funded a women veterans' practice based research network (PBRN) to facilitate their integration in VA research. This cyberseminar will discuss what researchers need to know in order to more effectively integrate women into their VA research studies, as well as how to design and consider women-focused research in VA settings. **We recommend real-time participation or early archive viewing among any PIs planning on submitting in the December 2011 cycle, so that there is enough planning time to involve and integrate PBRN sites as needed.**