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Groessl EJ, Liu L, Ho SB, Kanwal F, Gifford AL, Asch SM. National patterns and predictors of liver biopsy use for management of hepatitis C. Journal of Hepatology. 2012 Aug 1; 57(2):252-9.
BACKGROUND and AIMS: Liver biopsy remains the standard, recommended method for assessing liver damage associated with chronic hepatitis C (HCV) infection. However, there is considerable debate about how liver biopsy should best be used, especially with the advent of more efficacious antiviral therapies. To identify the factors that influence the use of liver biopsy for HCV patients, we describe variations in liver biopsy use at the delivery system and patient level in a national VA sample. METHODS: We analyzed VA HCV registry data for 171,893 VA patients with confirmed chronic HCV. Delivery system characteristics included geographic region and specialist time. Patient characteristics included antiviral treatment indicators, contraindications, volume of healthcare visits, and demographic variables. Logistic regression was used to explore correlates of biopsy use. RESULTS: Liver biopsy use in the VA system increased from 1997 to 2003 but began declining in 2004. Rates of liver biopsy from 2004 to 2006 varied by VA region, ranging from 5% to 18%. Treatment contraindications and laboratory tests were significantly associated with more biopsies. Demographic variables (higher age, lower BMI, race/ethnicity, and less% service connected disability) were associated with fewer biopsies. Regional variability remained significant independent of volume of care and specialist time. CONCLUSIONS: Liver biopsy rates in the VA system have variability that seems unrelated to clinical need. New antiviral therapies and non-invasive assessment techniques may create additional uncertainty for the role of liver biopsy, perhaps explaining its decline in recent years. The availability of more effective antiviral therapies may also affect biopsy rates in the future.