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Factors influencing emergency department preference for access to healthcare.

Brown LE, Burton R, Hixon B, Kakade M, Bhagalia P, Vick C, Edwards A, Hawn MT. Factors influencing emergency department preference for access to healthcare. The western journal of emergency medicine. 2012 Nov 1; 13(5):410-5.

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INTRODUCTION: African-Americans are more likely than Caucasians to access healthcare through the emergency department (ED); however, the reasons behind this pattern are unclear. The objective is to investigate the effect of race, insurance, socioeconomic status, and perceived health on the preference for ED use. METHODS: This is a prospective study at a tertiary care ED from June to July 2009. Patients were surveyed to capture demographics, healthcare utilization, and baseline health status. The primary outcome of interest was patient-reported routine place of healthcare. Other outcomes included frequency of ED visits in the previous 6 months, barriers to primary care and patient perception of health using select questions from the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36 (SF-36). RESULTS: Two hundred and ninety-two patients completed the survey of whom 58% were African-American and 44% were uninsured. African-Americans were equally likely to report 3 or more visits to the ED, but more likely to state a preference for the ED for their usual place of care (24% vs. 13%, p < 0.01). No significant differences between groups were found for barriers to primary care, including insurance. African-Americans less often reported comorbidities or hospitalization within the previous 6 months (23% vs. 34%, p = 0.04). On logistic regression modeling, African-Americans were more than 2 times as likely to select the ED as their usual place of healthcare (OR 2.24, 95% CI 1.22 - 4.08). CONCLUSION: African-Americans, independent of health insurance, are more likely than Caucasians to designate the ED as their routine place of healthcare.

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