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Garvin JH, Heavirland J, Kelly N, Kim Y. Automating the Inpatient Chronic Heart Failure Quality Measures . [Cyberseminar]. 2013 Mar 18.
There is an association of heart failure (HF) with high mortality and poor quality of life. Chronic Heart failure (CHF) is the primary reason for discharge for veterans treated within the VA health care system. It is the most common Medicare diagnosis-related group and more Medicare dollars are spent for diagnosis and treatment of CHF than for any other diagnosis. In 2005, the estimated total direct and indirect cost of HF in the U.S. was $27.9 billion. Between 1997 and 2004, the total hospital costs associated with these stays increased from $6,206 million to $8,281 million. Further, in a 2003 study acute exacerbations accounted for 55% of potentially preventable hospitalizations. The objectives of the research are to study the use of information extraction (IE) techniques to obtain performance metrics for the treatment of inpatient CHF within the veteran population, to develop automated methods to determine guideline-concordant care and to evaluate the potential use of the automated system within the VA.