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Vanderploeg RD, Groer S, Belanger HG. Initial developmental process of a VA semistructured clinical interview for TBI identification. Journal of rehabilitation research and development. 2012 Nov 15; 49(4):545-56.
Identification of a remote traumatic brain injury (TBI), particularly mild TBI, is a challenge. The acknowledged standard for determining a history of prior TBI is self-report elicited through a structured or in-depth clinical interview. In April 2007, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) mandated that the four-section TBI Clinical Reminder screening instrument be completed on all individuals returning from deployment in the Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom theaters of operation (VHA Directive 2007-013). If positive, a follow-up Second Level TBI Evaluation is to be completed. For validation studies of the TBI Clinical Reminder screening process and with the long-term goal of providing a structured methodology to complete the TBI history portion of the Second Level TBI Evaluation, we sought to develop a "criterion standard" semistructured clinical TBI identification interview. This tool was developed through consultation with TBI subject matter experts and built on the strengths of existing tools in the literature. This article describes the six-step developmental methodology and presents the resulting semistructured interview and accompanying manual.