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Dichter ME, Marcus S. Intimate partner violence victimization among women Veterans: health, healthcare service use, and opportunities for intervention. Military Behavioral Health. 2013 Aug 5; 1(2):107-113.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization is a major source of morbidity and mortality for women. We know little about the IPV experiences among the growing population of women military veterans in the United States. To address this gap in knowledge, we conducted a retrospective review of medical records of 533 women veteran patients age 55 and younger at a VA Medical Center to identify the scope of IPV exposure and associated demographic, health, and healthcare service use characteristics. Lifetime IPV was documented in one-quarter of women veterans' medical records and was associated with higher risk of many medical conditions and with more extensive healthcare service use. We provide recommendations for intervention through the VHA and for future research.