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Koch SH, Westenskow D, Weir C, Agutter J, Haar M, Görges M, Liu D, Staggers N. ICU nurses' evaluations of integrated information displays on user satisfaction and perceived mental workload. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2013 Jan 22; 180:383-7.
Consolidated information from multiple sources (patient monitors, electronic medical records, infusion pumps, ventilators, medication references) may improve nurses' work and patient safety. Objective. Two hypotheses were tested, that integrated information displays (a) improve nurses' satisfaction and (b) lower perceived mental workload. Methods. In a counter-balanced, repeated measures design (integrated vs. traditional display) 12 ICU nurses performed realistic tasks using both display types. Results. Nurses' user interaction satisfaction was higher with the integrated display and it received more positive comments. Nurses' mean perceived mental workload scores were also lower, having significant differences in effort and frustration dimensions. A lower mental workload may reduce errors and improve treatment times. Integrated information displays have great promise, but technological factors such as bidirectional device communication must be addressed if these displays are to achieve their potential for improving patient safety.